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‘Module B1’ of the Synod on Synodality

Participants in the Synod General Assembly are in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall this week are examining and discussing “Module B1”, of which we offer the full text here below. B....

Communion: the wedding feast of the Lamb

General Congregation n. 4 Communion: the wedding feast of the Lamb Theological Input – 9 October 2023 Prof. Anna Rowlands St Hilda Professor of Catholic Social Thought and Practice Dept of...

Synodality and Culture

General Congregation n. 4 Testimony – October 09 Synodality and Culture By Siu Wai Vanessa CHENG Synodality and Asian cultures In general, when “synodality is to trigger a process in a...

A communion that radiates

General Congregation 4 – 9 October 2023 A communion that radiates Introduction to Module 2 Jean-Claude Card. Hollerich General Rapporteur Good morning, everyone, and welcome back to our Hall...