The Synodal Church: The synod retreat by Fr Timothy Radcliffe O.P

The Synodal Church: The synod retreat by Fr Timothy Radcliffe O.P

Links to the Synod Retreat by Fr Timothy Radcliffe O.P. Vatican News

Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP

(Master of the Dominicans from 1992-2001 and Synod has had an extensive worldwide ministry of teaching and preaching.)

‘Hoping Against Hope’ – I

‘At home in God and God at home in us’ II

‘Friendship’ III

Conversation on the way to Emmaus’ IV

Synod Reflection prior to evening Mass on Sunday – Vatican News

Mother Maria Grazia Angelini, OSB

(Benedictine nun and former abbess Mother)

Meditation before the celebration of Holy Mass on Day 1 of the retreat

Reflecting on the Gospel for the Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, offers a reflection prior to evening Mass on Sunday during the retreat for participants in the upcoming General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.